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Balance Bikes, Trikes & Helmets

Introducing Our Kids' Bikes, Balance Bikes, Trikes, and Helmets for a Healthy and Active Childhood. Provide your young adventurers more
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Scoot And Ride Highwaykick Steel - 1
£114.00 £105.00

Introducing Our Kids' Bikes, Balance Bikes, Trikes, and Helmets for a Healthy and Active Childhood. Provide your young adventurers with the best start to their biking journey. Discover the perfect tools to foster essential lifelong riding habits and promote healthy development in your toddlers

A tricycle provides an early opportunity for toddlers who are eager and capable learners to develop such important life-long riding habits. Of course, it is unlikely that they will be able to balance, steer and pedal on their own at this young age. However, the earlier they are exposed to riding a trike with adult supervision, the quicker they will pick it up and the faster they will progress to bike riding when they get that bit older.

Wooden Bikes & Trikes FAQ’s

At what age should you teach your toddler to ride a trike?

This wooden trike is the perfect first-time riding experience because it requires less coordination than two-wheeled vehicles, and offers an opportunity for young children to learn basic concepts like balance and pedalling. From around 18 months, your little one should have developed the gross motor skills required to start learning how to ride a trike, however, like with everything else, children will learn and grow at their own pace. Therefore there is no perfect age to begin this learning experience.

How can a tricycle aid in child development?

Toddlers are fascinated with movement and discovering new things. Riding a wooden trike is an excellent opportunity to get your toddler familiarized with how bikes work, as well as teach them about speed! If you wait too long then kids might not be comfortable with balancing themselves on bikes anymore and will miss out on the endless hours of fun provided by bike riding. The act of balancing on a trike encourages core abdominal muscles to contract which helps strengthen them for later life. Physical exercise like biking is great for developing stability and coordination because there are lots of different types of actions that happen at the same time including pedalling and steering. Additionally, trikes can teach kids important fundamental skills like spatial awareness and encourage them to spend more time outside.

What is the best way to clean outdoor toys for kids?

Outdoor playthings by nature will likely end up a little dirty after your child has played with them outside. Before cleaning your kid's outdoor toys, first consider what material they are made from as most things can be cleaned using warm soapy water. It is recommended that harsh chemical cleaners are avoided for the safety of your child and also the preservation of your play equipment. Make sure to clean outdoor toys often, even after every use as this will extend the life of the toys and keep them more hygienic by preventing the build-up of dirt and bacteria. 

What is the point of a children’s trike?

The greatest benefit of using a tricycle is improving hand-eye coordination (needed for drawing and writing), working on balance, giving children more opportunity to explore movement in various ways and helping to build their vocabulary for colours, numbers, shapes and physical objects. Learning whilst having fun is the easiest way to encourage childhood development. Active play such as learning to ride a trike is necessary for all children to develop strong bones, coordination, and brain development. Fit kids are healthier adults. Cycling is a great form of exercise that the whole family can get involved with and can also create social opportunities.

How much weight can a trike hold?

This will vary from trike to trike and is also dependent on the height and weight of the child intending to use it. The sturdy Hooga Wooden Balance Bike Trike is designed to hold the weight of one child and has an adjustable saddle height that can be altered to be either 23cm or 27cm from the ground.

Can attachments be mounted on the trike?

This 2 in 1 trike, is supplied with 3 wheels and a spacing bracket so can be constructed as a 2 or 3-wheeler trike for your child. This means that once they've mastered riding it as a three-wheel balance bike, they can progress to a more mature bicycle-style function. The perfect next step to riding an adult bike. No additional attachments come with the trike, however, a basket, bell or mirrors may be a fun addition to the trike that can be secured to the handlebars as your child gains confidence and wants to be more independent in their riding.

At, we're committed to providing your child with the best tools to start their biking journey with confidence. Our kids' bikes, balance bikes, trikes, and helmets are more than just playthings; they're the building blocks of a healthy, active childhood.

Encourage lifelong riding habits, foster physical and mental development, and create memorable outdoor experiences with our exceptional collection. Join us in promoting healthier, happier childhoods through the joy of cycling.

Browse our selection now and embark on a biking adventure with your child today

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